The Journey of 27 to 37

  I’m 37 years old today and THIS number means so much to me! See, when I was 27 years old, Allah gifted me a vision. I was a recent graduate determined to get out of school loans so I was literally living out of $200 a month when Sh. Tawfique Chowdhury offered a course […]

Back to School: Creating a Tranquil Family Environment

New School Year & Family Intentions Alhamdulilah, we made it for the start of a new school year.  For many of us, this probably also means getting back to daily routines that we might have put on hold in the summer.  This year is coming with lots of changes for my family and as a […]

Al-Jameel – The Most Beautiful

Allah is الجميل, The Most Beautiful When we think of beauty, the first things that come to mind are the external and apparent stuff. Witnessing physical beauty and order around us can be breath taking and comforting in the deepest spiritual way. A clean home, organized and smelling like it has been touched by a […]

Al-Hafidh – The Protector –

Allah is الحافظ, The Protector What Do You Fear? فَاللَّهُ خَيْرٌ حَافِظًا ۖ وَهُوَ أَرْحَمُ الرَّاحِمِينَ Allah is the Best Guardian, and He is the Most Merciful of the merciful.Yusuf 64 I’ve had a number of conversations recently that highlighted the reality of fear in our hearts. – With a friend who went out to […]

Don’t Be a Feminist

-Written by Shamsa Ali, my teacher and life mentor- Dear daugther Don’t be a feminist. I dont like the word feminist as I understand it now. If someone cares to explain it differently I might change my mind. So be a Muslimah. That shall give you power. The power you will have, if you chose […]

Al-Wadood – The Loving –

Allah is الودود, The Loving, He expresses His love to His creation by continuously taking care of their needs, giving them, having mercy on them, guiding them and protecting them. He shows His love by the love He placed in their hearts for one another. A friend told me about a woman she used to […]

Al-Fattah – The Opener –

Allah is الفتاح, The Opener Last year in the spring I felt disconnected from myself. It was difficult for me to understand what was happening, I felt restless, I knew something wasn’t quite right but could not pin point at what it was. I found myself wanting to make hasty decisions but Alhamdulilah I found […]

The Arafa Opportunity

The Arafa Opportunity How will you take advantage of this day? Allow me to share with you some of the benefits of this day and an experience I loved doing and would love for you to join me on it this year. The Day of Arafa is Thursday August 31st, 2017 According to authentic narrations, […]

A Wife Like Khadija

    “I am confident I will be his loving, appreciative and supportive Khadija.” These are words I wrote in my personal credo long, long ago about the type of a wife I wanted to be once I was married.  I wasn’t married when I wrote it and I don’t believe I fully understood what […]

Leadership Inspired by Islam

I submitted this blog post as a contribution to RevivingSisterhood.  You can read the original right here. Leadership Inspired by Islam I am a Muslim woman.  I long for the day I stand in front of Allah and I present to Him the story of my life.  I pray that I stand in complete confidence and […]

A Letter to the Heart in Pain

If you are not happy and are experiencing emotional pain, it is because a deep desire and value of yours is not a reality.  Don’t let anyone tell you to forget the pain and just look at the positives in hopes that the sadness will disappear.   Rather, appreciate, count and be grateful to all the […]

The Death Encounter

Two days after my son Imran was born we were released from the hospital and we brought him home. I remember perceiving that car ride to be the scariest car ride ever. I was completely aware and conscious of every single car, truck, stop sign and stop light around us.  My husband was driving at […]

Lessons of a New Marriage

It was Friday April 15th, 2011 when Jama, my now husband, called me during my lunch break at work.   The memory of that moment is still very vivid in my mind. It was a clear, sunny and beautiful spring day in Columbus Ohio. The backyard of the building I worked at was a lovely park […]

Nurturing the Emotion, 24 Years Later!

I was deeply touched recently by one of my classmates and a story she shared about engaging a child who seemed a little sad and down. When she genuinely engaged him the child expressed sadness over the death of a dear family member. As my classmate described the interaction between herself and this child, the evident […]

Blissful and Present Parenting

“Never compare your child to another child, compare your child to the vision you have for him.” My friend Heba has always inspired me with beautiful conversations and powerful quotes.  My journal is full of sentences like Heba said… The above quote is one of them and it is one that resonated deeply with me.  I […]

Saved by Knowledge

Did you ever get this intense feeling that knowledge saved you? I attended two beautiful talks this weekend by two of my most beloved teachers and thinkers. Although they didn’t speak about the same topic or even in the same place; an underlying message was in their talk which for me communicated the role of […]

Meaningful Inspirations

I was overwhelmed with a feeling of gratitude to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala today. I’m compelled to write about it because it was a realization so deep and meaningful I hope it continues to inspire me in my journey of becoming the person I dream to be.