Leadership Inspired by Islam
I submitted this blog post as a contribution to RevivingSisterhood. You can read the original right here. Leadership Inspired by Islam I am a Muslim woman.
A Letter to the Heart in Pain
If you are not happy and are experiencing emotional pain, it is because a deep desire and value of yours is not a reality. Don’t
The Death Encounter
Two days after my son Imran was born we were released from the hospital and we brought him home. I remember perceiving that car ride
Lessons of a New Marriage
It was Friday April 15th, 2011 when Jama, my now husband, called me during my lunch break at work. The memory of that moment is
Nurturing the Emotion, 24 Years Later!
I was deeply touched recently by one of my classmates and a story she shared about engaging a child who seemed a little sad and
Blissful and Present Parenting
“Never compare your child to another child, compare your child to the vision you have for him.” My friend Heba has always inspired me with
Saved by Knowledge
Did you ever get this intense feeling that knowledge saved you? I attended two beautiful talks this weekend by two of my most beloved teachers
Meaningful Inspirations
I was overwhelmed with a feeling of gratitude to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala today. I’m compelled to write about it because it was a realization